Plant Matter, Adhesive, Paper | sold
7 x 9”
Floating on the sea
Breath one with mist
Hair woven tight
Encircling us at twilight
Creatures of the land
Castles made of sand
Roam above below
So that we may ever grow
May we sharpen our teeth
On one another’s behalf
Get lost in the madness
As we are built to roam
Craft with the land
Often phone home
Dear friends sacred trees
Guide us en route
Journey afoot
Much pleasure to boot
Plant Matter, Adhesive, Paper | available
7 x 9”
Take care
At your hearth
It is your birth right
Fight for your sacred space
Nurture thy self
With grace
Mind your head
And your heart
You are all that you need
From the very start
Bare necessities
Mend your wild heart
Roam free
Fragments collect
To become whole
Enliven your soul
Mind and body
Plant Matter, Adhesive, Paper | available
7 x 9”
Shake us awake
Feel the vibration
For radiant sake
Tap into the knowing
Singers of songs
Planters of seeds
Heads held up high
Give and receive
May you discover firm footing
Wherever you stand
Call in ancestral guidance
As you tend to your land
Priestess of dark, or light, So it may be
Honoured and willing to journey thoughtfully
Linked thru mother nature, Precious and divine
Receive her natural rhythms as your form of keeping time
May wisdom shine upon your face, Blow throughout your hair
May scared waters carry you and rid of your despair
Plant Matter, Adhesive, Paper | sold
7 x 9”
Barefoot and free
Sunshine tastes sweet
Search within
Not without
You are the key
As above
So below
Air, land, and sea
Creation, destruction
Plant Matter, Adhesive, Paper | sold
7 x 9”
Attune with your spirit
May beauty unfold
Overwhelming fulfillment
Truly, deeply, you are owed
Expand your wings
Flutter often, enjoy the view
Offer inspiration to fellow dreamers, seeking truth
May we all rise to wake
Lay your head to sleep with dread
For a vision exists upon us
And may it be daily fed
Let us break bread
Hands create
Feet carry
Sing your story
With great merriment
May you humbly repent
Regard these gifts as scared
Allowing existence
To be whatever you make it
Plant Matter, Adhesive, Paper | sold
7 x 9”
May I ask
Are your wings intact?
Seeking the sky
Able to fly high
Careless consumed
Immensely in tune
With spirit and love
Let it fill you up
Rules are irrelevant
Time is not linear
You offer truth merrily
You are barefoot and free
You are protected and curious
Finding calm in the stillness
Heal yourself to heal others
There is greatness upon us
These abstract renderings of plant collage were created in relationship to my intensive studies of Irish-Celtic mystery and mythology. This area of focus laid the foundation for my embarkment on the genre which I refer to as ritual-land-art.